Tips to make your home presentation-ready

Tips for selling your home

Do you choose to outsource the sale of your home to ECHT makelaars & taxateurs? We will then optimally present your home on social media, Funda and of course our own website.

Unique 3D impression of your home
Unique in Alkmaar: to present your home we not only use photos, a video and a floor plan, but also a matterport 3D impression of your home. What this is? We make a complete 3D impression of your home, so buyers get a REALLY good impression.

But we need your help too! Before we can present the home, there are a number of things you can do yourself to make your home presentation-ready. Thanks to our years of experience in presenting the home in the best possible way, we have listed a number of tips below. So that you are well prepared.

The living room

Clear away the things that don't belong in the living room. Consider, for example, shoes, newspapers, chargers and cords. Don't forget to take away personal items, such as photos. Make sure open cupboards are neatly organized and items on the windowsill are cleared away so you can see outside.
Just like in the living room, it is important that items that do not belong in the bedroom are tidied up. Think of loose clothing, shoes, etc. Make the bed neatly with a neutral duvet cover. Add extra pillows if necessary. Ironing the bedding makes it look fresh and neat. Provide a hotel appearance: clean, fresh and luxurious.

The kitchen

Make sure the counter is completely empty. Remove utensils and containers. Make sure there are no wipes near the sink and remove magnets and Post-Its from the refrigerator. Hang up a clean tea and towel. Finally, it is important that there is space on the windowsill so that you can look outside.

The bathroom

Remove shampoo bottles and cosmetic products from view in the shower, bathtub or sink. In addition, remove laundry and any shower curtain. This looks neater and cleaner. Do you have a laundry basket? Make sure that the laundry basket can be closed.

Garden or balcony

Remove bicycles, rubbish bins or rubbish bags from the garden. Prune the plants and mow the grass, this gives a well-groomed impression. Remove the weeds between the tiles and sweep the terrace. When the weather is nice, it looks cozy when there are cushions on the chairs. Finally, a last tip: temporarily remove the sale sign.

